This is how we know that we are in Christ: whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did. 1 John 2:5-6
One of the reasons that people have a hard time with Christianity is because of hypocrisy. A person will say that they are a follower of Christ but will act like the rest of the world. The name of Jesus is on their lips but their hearts are far from him. I lived this way for over 20 years. I was a hypocrite. I did more harm than good because I would say I was a Christian but I was living a life in agreement with the culture around me. I had to change my whole life. I had to turn from my way of living in agreement with the world and live in submission to God. Those who say they follow Christ will live like Christ everyday of the week. The Christian will love the Lord whole heartily and love their neighbor as they love themselves. The Christian prays, loves, gives, walks and talks like Jesus Christ, separated from the ways of the world in holiness. The Christian hates evil and sin because God hates evil and sin. May we live like our Lord and Savior. #timetochange #lifeundertheson