“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
Christ has come to set us free from the bondage of this evil world system: the kingdom of darkness. The world system is secular, politically correct, opposes God, hypocritical, evil, selfish and tries to exalt itself above Christ. Christ came to bring a new system: the Kingdom of God. As Christians we will live in the world but we will not be a part of the world system. Christ came to set us free from the worldly ways of thinking and it’s evil practices. Christians will have trouble in this world because the world system opposes the godly system that we live by. Those in the worldly system are angry and hostile to those who oppose the system. However Christ says that we do not have to be afraid because he has conquered the world system. He has made a way for all who trust in him. Whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. May we trust in the Lord and his Kingdom. #timetochange #lifeundertheson