"If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32
To be free we must hold on to the teachings of the Messiah. He has given us instructions that are meant to help us navigate through this evil world system. His instructions deliver us and bring honor and glory to God. As we follow him we see the truth behind his instructions. We begin to understand the web of bondage that we are born into and we begin to understand the way out of the bondage. If you want to walk in freedom you have to know the truth. The truth you need comes from Jesus Christ given to us in the Word of God. The truth can be very painful but the truth helps you to identify the problems and deal with them appropriately. May we live in freedom as we learn God's truths while following his instructions through life. #timetochange #lifeundertheson